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Jump Start Your Day – 6 Jumps to Get You High

Have you heard about how beneficial jumping is for your lymphatic system? Just 10 mintues of jumping (on a trampoline or on the ground) can boost your immunity and assist your body in fluid metabolism, detoxification, and optimal health. Plus, how awesome-ly kid-like do you feel when jumping?  I can’t help but giggle and laugh when I bounce around a little.  My 2.5 year old daughter jumps ALL THE TIME. She’s obsessed. Number 6 is named for her – the jumpy jump. A boost in mood is as good a health benefit as any other.

As long as your body is able, jump on in and give it 10 minutes of your morning (or afternoon!) to try on these 6 jumps that will get you high. Remember – start slow, don’t push yourself past your limits, and honor your body at all times. If your knees, ankles, hips or back hurt, make your movements very small, or stop altogether and try it again on another day.

If you tend to have joint concerns, you may benefit from investing in a small trampoline like this one to practice your jumping.  If you’ve got kids or have been hankering for a big splurge, perhaps you will be inspired to equip the yard with one of these to practice your jumping.

Start with 10 of each jump, work up to 2, then 3 sets of these to make it a longer & more beneficial workout piece.

6 Jumps to Get You High

1. Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks

2. Squat Jumps

squat jumps

Just like it looks in the photos, squat jumps are a two-step jump. Begin by bending the knees into a deep squat, then jump up and straighten your body.  Come back down into a squat and repeat.

See also  All You Need is Abs

3. One Leg Hop

one leghop

Hop 10 times on each leg.

4. Hitch Kick


The hitch kick is a remnant of my dance past.  Lift up your right knee then jump, switch standing legs, and kick out your left knee. It’s a coordination and balance booster that will do more than just boost your immunity!  Do 10 on each leg.

5. Split Jumps


Jump in the air and bring your legs apart into wide splits. Try reaching your feet when you do so.  Be sure to bring them back together for the landing.

6. Jumpy Jumps


Jumpy jumps are simple every day two-legged jumps. They are fun, powerful, and addicting! My daughter jumps off of every stair and curb she can.  If none of the other jumps speak to you, simply jumpy jump for 5-10 minutes for lymphatic benefits.

WORKOUT TIP: Combine this workout with my lower leg BLAST workout for a full-lower body & cardio workout for the day. Get the BLAST HERE.

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