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5 Amazingly Effective One-Song Workouts

Time is running out to sign up for the FREE virtual online summit, New Year New You, and order the download package . I always order the download because I can’t listen on the FREE days. This BRAND NEW online conference features 5 days of interviews from 31 amazing speakers (including me talking about my tips for getting & staying motivated to exercise!).

These days we are all pressed for time, and that is only the first of many challenges our tender bodies are up against. With this hot sunny weather and the kids back in school, there’s not a heap of extra motivation right now for long hard workouts.

Sometimes, just setting up one song on the iPod or Spotify and getting your workout on each day (we’re talking an average of 3-5 minutes in duration) is just want a body needs to feel toned, nurtured, pumped and loved!

The biggest question is not which one of these 5 is your favorite (although I want to hear about that too!!) – but WHICH SONG will get your sweat, love, tears, and the best part of yourself today?

Are you ready? – OK – here goes!


– forward bend – 30 seconds

– reverse prayer – 3 x 10 seconds each

– head tilt – left side, then right side – 10 counts each side (2x each)

See also  A Core You Can Count On: 5 Easy Exercises for Anytime & Anywhere

– big slow gentle arm circles – 10 circles forward, shake it out – 10 circles back

– seated wide-leg stretch – 30 seconds center, 20 seconds take your upper body over your right leg, 20 seconds – take your upper body over your left leg

– lay flat on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor – 30 seconds to 1 minute


– jog in place for 20 seconds

– stand, arms up over-head & bend slowly side to side, stretching the torso – 20 seconds

– seated runner’s stretch – 20 seconds each leg

– 10 pushups

– 10 sit-ups

– wide-leg stretch – 20 seconds center, 20 seconds torso over right leg, 20 seconds torso over left leg

– 10 squats

– 10 pushups

– wide leg standing forward bend – 20 seconds

– 10 wide-leg pushups (from the standing forward bend)

– lay flat on your back in resting pose, close your eyes, breathe & smile softly


– 20 jumping jacks

– 20 seconds free-dance

– 20 jumping jacks

– 20 squats

– 40 seconds free-dance

– 20 jumping jacks

– 20 pushups

– finish it off with free dance


– run in place – 30 seconds

– punch – switch arms each punch – 30 punches

– 10 jumping jacks

– 10 pushups

– 10 squats

– 10 lunges

– 10 kicks (whatever ya got! – technique isn’t important here!)

– 10 jumping jacks

See also  10 Tips to Avoid Repetitive Stress Injury

– 30 more punches

– 30 more seconds running in place – knees high this time!

– 10 jumps with both feet

– quadriceps stretch – right leg, then left leg

– wipe up your sweat, put a towel around your neck, & drink some water


– 20 jumping jacks

– 20 iron brooms – shift side to side

– 20 squats

– 20 pushups

– 20 sit-ups

– 20 seconds running in place

– seated butterfly stretch – 30 seconds

– seated wide-leg stretch – 30 seconds

– pigeon pose – 20 seconds each leg

– back-reclining runners stretch (for the front of the quads – lean back on your elbows to protect your low back) – 20 seconds each side

– lay on your back, legs straight – hug one knee into the chest, then cross it over your body and drop it to the ground (reclining twist) – 20 seconds; same thing other leg – 20 seconds

– lay flat on your back in resting pose, close your eyes, and breathe your bliss
This post can be seen in the blog link-ups Unprocessed Fridays and Thank Your Body Thursday.
Did you enjoy this post? Join my mailing list at Real Fit Mama .  Get many more excellent workout tips in my new ebook Real Fit at Every Age – available for purchase HERE.

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